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Automotriz - República Checa


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07 Jun 2018 Sector Comment Cross-Sector — EMEA: Credit impact of renewed US sanctions on Iran is not material for banks and corporates A.P. Moller-Mae...
Airbus SE
Austria, Govern...
Belgium, Govern...
Bulgaria, Gover...
Croatia, Govern...
Cyprus, Governm...
Czech Republic,...
Denmark, Govern...
Estonia, Govern...
19 Sep 2014 Rating Action Moody's affirms Baa1 ratings for Hyundai Motor, Kia and Hyundai Mobis
 The document has been translated in other languages

Hyundai Mobis C...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
29 Jan 2013 Announcement Moody's: Ratings of Hyundai and Kia unaffected by 4Q results
 The document has been translated in other languages

Hyundai Capital...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
06 Nov 2012 Announcement Moody's: Fuel efficiency woes credit negative for Hyundai Motor
 The document has been translated in other languages

Hyundai Capital...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
30 Oct 2012 Rating Action Moody's upgrades Hyundai Motor and Kia to Baa1
 The document has been translated in other languages

Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
19 Jan 2012 Announcement - Translation Moody's revises rating outlook of HMC and Kia to positive (Korean translation) Hyundai Capital...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
19 Jan 2012 Announcement Moody's revises rating outlook of HMC and Kia to positive Hyundai Capital...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
21 Sep 2010 Rating Action Moody's upgrades HMC to Baa2 with stable outlook
 The document has been translated in other languages

Hyundai Glovis ...
Hyundai Mobis C...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
09 Aug 2010 Rating Action - Translation Moody's reviews HMC and Kia for possible upgrade (Korean translation) Hyundai Glovis ...
Hyundai Mobis C...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
03 Aug 2010 Rating Action Moody's reviews HMC and Kia for possible upgrade Hyundai Glovis ...
Hyundai Mobis C...
Hyundai Motor C...
Hyundai Motor M...
Hyundai Motor M...
Kia Corporation
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